? dribdat_

This is an open source project board for splendid collaboration that we use to run this site. Here we collect and showcase all projects from an event in one place, under open conditions. On the event page you can learn about topics, datasets, and any other information the organisers have provided. To form a team, you can login and join or start a project. Looking for help? Visit our web page, read the User Guide, ask your event organiser, or talk to fellow participants!

Get the data

There is a simple open API for accessing data from this site in machine-readable form over the Web.

Download data on the featured or past (replace current by id) events

Retrieve project data from the current (or id) event

Search the projects, recent activity, and posts (use q=... for query, set limit=10)

Dear organiser

On the front page you can see the upcoming event, as well as any previous events. A short description is followed by a link to the event home page, as well as a countdown of time remaining until the start or finish (if already started) of the event. All of the content on the site can be edited by the site administrator in the Admin menu linked in the header if you have access: from where you can edit general details under Events, configure Presets, and edit or sync Projects and Challenges - which are either a Category, or just a project in challenge status.

If you would like to use this platform for your event, see the installation guide, contact the organisers of the events listed here - or just fork the open source project and set it up to your liking!

User guide Issues » Homepage

All our hack are belong to us.